February 20, 2011


Who doesn't love it? It's such a simple, yet complex game to play. Often times I will say to myself, Ok, time to play a couple minutes of minecraft, then I look at the clock and it's been hours.
I just love how simple the graphics are, yet how enthralling the gameplay is.
I really just can't get enough!


  1. i like this game. funny how u can just keep digging for ever, and nothing seems to change

  2. Honeslty, i can't understand why you people love this game so much :/

  3. such a good game, you're right, so simple yet so amazing

  4. I get bored everytime after I get my diamond suit.

  5. I'm going to have to give Minecraft a shot. I hear people talking about it more and more, but I've never actually tried it out. Any tips for somebody who's just starting?

  6. I'm going to have to give Minecraft a shot. I keep hearing everybody talking about it. Any suggestions for somebody who's about to get started out?

  7. It's a cool game, but I always got bored after I found diamond and built a minecart rail. I wish the developer wouldn't be so lazy and implement more features.

  8. I always hear about how awesome this game is, but I personally could never get into it. I'm not quite sure why.

  9. Yeah I played minecraft and could never get into it. Just doesn't seem fun, I dont understand all the hype lol
